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Ennis von Liebestropfchen, aka “Chewy”. Chewy is a 2.5-year-old black and red long-haired. Chewy is owned and graciously allowed to be used as a stud by our good friends and partner kennel Vom Liebestropschen German shepherds.


Ennis von Liebestropfchen, aka “Chewy”. Chewy is a 2.5-year-old black and red long-haired. Chewy is owned and graciously allowed to be used as a stud by our good friends and partner kennel Vom Liebestropschen German shepherds.

He is from German lines, giving him good protective instinct, and superior trainability, paired with the beautiful rich black and red long-haired German shepherd coat. The Europeans, led by the Germans and Czechs, have held breeding qualifications high for so long that we rarely see any of the typical health problems plaguing large breeds.

If you are not familiar with the longhair GSDs, I can tell you that they seem slightly calmer and less impulsive, A German shepherd temperament obedient than some more intense pure working line dogs may possess. It is counterintuitive, but they shed less than a standard coat.

As to appearance, they are showstoppers! All this packed into a strong 95-pound frame, without an ounce of fat. Chewy has OFA excellent hips and elbows and is tested DM negative. Chewy has the sweet temperament that characterizes our dogs and has become the hallmark of our kennel. Simply put, Chewy is a family companion dog: calm, intelligent, sweet, and protective without aggression towards others.

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