Being loved by all, owners always look for tips to extend their German Shepherd lifespan and how to keep their furry friends happy and healthy. The German Shepherd is regarded as one of the most intelligent breeds and remains quite popular all over the world.

Even though many other popular breeds have emerged, the German Shepherd has a dedicated fan following and continues to awe-strike dog lovers.

They are a breed known for their bravery, intelligence, and devotion. And we know how much they mean to you. That’s why we have listed some tips to extend your German shepherd’s lifespan. But to follow the tips you need your dog to be disciplined. So how can you discipline your dog? Well, don’t worry we have got you covered for that as well.

History Of German Shepherd


After being reared in Karlsruhe, the first German Shepherd was shown in Hanover, Germany, in 1882. The goal was to create a dog that was as attractive as it was attentive and obedient.

The German Shepherd is a hybrid of several breeds, including farm and herding dogs from throughout the world. The wide range of coat length and texture produced diversity along the Shepherd lines.

Originally, the Shepherd possessed longer hair, but the first short-haired Shepherd was introduced in Berlin in 1889. Captain Max von Stephanitz registered the first dog acknowledged as a German Shepherd in April 1899.

They were presented as both a wire-haired and a long-haired breed until 1915. Just the short-haired German Shepherd is displayed these days. Later, they were classified as herding dogs.

How Do You Discipline A German Shepherd?

Disciplining a German Shepherd can make or break your relationship with your dog. To discipline it, first, establish an environment conducive to success by making the place dog-proof. If your puppy is nipping and biting or destructive chewing, divert the harmful behavior by distracting them and providing them with a more engaging chew toy.

Positive reinforcement should be used to reward excellent behavior with sweets, toys, play, or praise and affection. If refocusing them fails, consider a brief time-out to calm them down. Don’t ever use physical punishment, scream, or leave your puppy unsupervised in a setting where it may get into trouble.

Here are some positive ways you can discipline your German Shepherd:

  • Distract your German Shepherd’s attention away from undesirable behavior.
  • Redirect your German Shepherd’s inappropriate behavior.
  • Instead, give your GSD something fun to play with, such as a toy.
  • Positive reinforcement training should be used.
  • Treats, praise, or playtime should be used to reward your GSD’s positive behavior.
  • Ignore aggressive behavior like barking, pawing, or leaping.
  • Use brief but effective timeouts.

What Are Some Common German Shepherd Health Issues?


The German Shepherd breed is a huge, muscular dog that was among the first canine breeds to be employed in therapeutic, military, and police work. They are known for their ability to swiftly absorb orders.

German Shepherds are still the chosen dog breed for many military and police groups across the world because of their courage, strength, and trainability. Even though they are among the healthiest dog breed but there are some common health issues that can shorten German shepherd lifespan.

Hip Dysplasia:

Hip dysplasia is a hereditary illness that affects bigger dogs at a considerably greater incidence, most likely due to their larger development spurts during puppyhood and the additional pressure these spurts can place on their joints.

Your veterinarian may advise you to make dietary modifications as well as modify your exercise program. Surgery can help relieve this issue in more extreme situations, so consult with your veterinarian for the best treatment.

German Shepherds with this health condition will be able to live a complete life as long as they have the support and care of their human family.


German Shepherds have an increased lifetime chance of acquiring a thyroid problem. Hypothyroidism can cause a German Shepherd to become less active, gain weight unexpectedly, and have a thin, brittle coat.

If your dog is diagnosed with a thyroid issue, it will most likely be put on thyroid medication. While not fatal, hypothyroidism can cause your dog to become lethargic and put on weight.


Although epilepsy is inherited and incurable, there are several drugs that can assist your German shepherd to control its symptoms. Most dogs will not even realize they have this illness if they are kept out of stressful circumstances and allowed to live a happy, comfortable life with an attentive family ultimately extending their German shepherd lifespan.

Degenerative Myelopathy:

Any dog owner who receives a diagnosis of degenerative myelopathy is terrified. This is a disorder that damages the spinal cord, and it regrettably worsens over time. This is a hereditary disease, and German Shepherds are one of the breeds most susceptible to it.

The first indicators that your dog has degenerative myelopathy are difficulty walking, incontinence, and difficulty standing up. Although there is no cure for this health issue, you can do a lot to make their greatest friend comfortable and help them stay active, although in a limited capacity.

How To Maximize Your German Shepherd Lifespan?

All dogs have unusual habits and traits. While you can’t track all their needs but by using the following tips you can surely maximize your German shepherd’s lifespan and make it feel happy and comfortable:

Maintain Their Weight:

By maintaining the weight you can maximize your German shepherd’s lifespan. By keeping your dog lean you can increase its lifespan by 18 to 24 months. By keeping track of your dog’s daily calorie intake, you can make sure that they are not getting overweight.

Try not to overfeed your dog and consult your vet to know how many calories they need in a whole day.

Low-Stress Levels:

The chances of a German shepherd getting ill and minimizing the German shepherd’s lifespan due to stress are quite high, not to mention inappropriate destructive behavior. Even if you are disciplining your dog never shout or physically punish them. This will only stress it out nothing else.

Instead, offer a lot of calming massages and reinforce them in doing the correct thing. It will decrease their stress levels and motivate them to listen to you.

Nutritious Diet:

Feed your German Shepherd a high-quality low-carb dog food with a protein content of 18%-22%. The amount of food they require will be determined by their age and size.

According to some veterinarians, a high-protein diet lengthens a dog’s life. Dogs fed high-protein diets exhibited fewer indications of aging-related illness.

A high-carb diet indicates the development of cavities in dogs, which leads to dental decay, bacteria, and decreasing German shepherd lifespan. Try to stick with the dog food that Top German Shepherd Breeders or your vet has recommended to you.

Oral Health:

Brushing your German Shepherd’s teeth on a regular basis can help prevent periodontal disease and extend their life by up to 3-5 years. Periodontal disease affects up to 90% of canines over the age of three, according to research.

It is, in fact, the most prevalent infectious illness that affects adult dogs. It is a bacterial-caused inflammatory condition that attacks the supporting structures surrounding a dog’s teeth. It progresses and worsens with time.

You can prevent it by regularly brushing its teeth with dog toothpaste. Avoid using regular toothpaste because they can not digest it. Feed your dog healthful dry meals to help decrease tartar and plaque build-up. Provide your dog with nutritious dental treats and teeth-safe bones and toys.

Regular Activities and Exercises:

GSDs should be exercised on a daily basis. Exercise, together with a life-extension diet, is part of a magical combination. Exercise helps in the maintenance of a healthy weight, the toning of joints and muscles, and the improvement of cardiovascular strength.

The quantity of activity required depends on your dog, but on average, GSDs require two hours of exercise every day. Regular exercise will extend your German shepherd’s lifespan. Exercise on a regular basis all year, changing your schedule as the weather permits.

What Do German Shepherds Usually Die From?

The most common cause of German shepherds dying is stress and trauma. They are very social animals and require attention and love from their humans. They also usually die from accidents. It is very important to train your dog properly and never let them cross the home’s boundaries. You can also track your dog by putting in a chip in them or a tracking collar.

How Long Do German Shepherds Live?


German shepherds are loyal, adorable, and loved by all. Although you would want them to live and grow old with you and we also wish the same sadly it is not possible. The German shepherd dog has an average life expectancy of 9 to 13 years.

Female German Shepherds live an average of 1.4 years longer than a male German shepherds. Female German Shepherds have a typical longevity of 11 years, while males have a median lifespan of 9.7 years.

Some German Shepherds, like other dogs, can beyond their expected lifetime. There have been stories of German Shepherds living into their late teens possibly 10 to 20 years, however, these reports are mostly unsubstantiated.

A healthy dog plan is the first step toward a healthy life. Consider all the factors in your GSD’s life. In comparison to humans, the German shepherd’s lifespan is shorter. However, with precise knowledge and protection, we can offer our pets happy and healthy years.


What factors can impact the lifespan of a German Shepherd?

There are a bunch of factors that can impact the lifespan of a German shepherd including:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Blood clotting
  • Thyroid issues
  • Poor diet
  • Obesity

Can proper diet and exercise extend the lifespan of a German Shepherd?

With the proper healthy and vet-recommended diet you can extend your German shepherd’s life expectancy by 18-24 months.

What is the average lifespan of a German Shepherd compared to other dog breeds?

Even though German shepherd shepherds s might have a shorter lifespan than other dog breeds, you can surely expend it by taking care of their diet, exercising them regularly, and minimizing their stress.