Do you know there are many commands for german shepherd dogs? You might ask why to teach them. Well because they are among the most intelligent and obedient breeds of dogs. But even German Shepherds can go rowdy if not trained properly. Without learning the training commands, you risk missing fundamental directives or worse. Confound your German Shepherd, making training more difficult and demanding!

German Shepherd breeds were originally designed to defend herds and live in packs. Because of these characteristics, they are inherently dominant. They enjoy being in command. Nonetheless, they are one of the most intelligent dog breeds and are fast to learn new skills. Regardless, you should not put off starting your workout for too long. The older your GSD gets, the more difficult it is to teach him new things. Begin teaching them as soon as they are two months old.

Top Commands For German Shepherd Dogs:

You might only need the fundamentals to get started, and you’ll find that list below. You could also want to teach your GSD some advanced dog commands. For the finest training, you must know what words to say and how to say them.

You want your German Shepherd to understand the fundamental instructions. These instructions enable you to regulate your dog’s movements and increase their adherence to your training.

You may use two fundamental sorts of German Shepherd training orders with your dog.

  • The first is hand gestures.
  • The second type of command is verbal.

The Hand Signal:

The-Hand-Signal-best-commands-for-dogsHand commands are a practical way to express your wants to your dog when voice orders are inappropriate, such as during noisy activities or when your dog is far away. Hand signals need your dog’s attention to be focused on you for him to see the command signal, as opposed to spoken orders, which require your dog to hear you.

If you want to use hand signals frequently, it’s a good idea to train your dog to look at you regularly.

Every vocal instruction has a corresponding hand gesture that indicates the same thing. Remember that German Shepherds are more sensitive to your voice since they are raised to work with handlers who give vocal directions when herding or guarding.

Verbal Command:

Verbal-CommandWhen you direct your dog, verbal commands are audible instructions that instruct them to do a certain activity. Unlike hand signals, spoken commands function even when your dog is not looking at you. Verbal signals provide your GSD with a plethora of information. Consider tone and loudness. Changing your tone and loudness opens up various avenues for your dog to understand your intent. When training your dog through vocal signals, you must be mindful of how you communicate your meaning or message to your dog.

What Commands Should a German Shepherd Know?

There are a bunch of commands that your dog should know. Some of them are as follows:

  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Down
  • Leave it
  • Come
  • No
  • Yes
  • Give paw
  • Rollover
  • Fetch

1- Sit:

SitThis is an important command that will help your dog become well-mannered and obedient.

Step 1:

Wait for your dog to come to you and stand or sit in front of you. Hold his favorite reward in your palm, then flash it in front of his eyes to ensure he sees it. This should pique his interest and catch his attention.

Step 2:

Hover the hand with the goodie above his head towards his behind slowly. While doing so, keep the reward in line with his nose so he may sniff it to fuel his enthusiasm.

Step 3:

To keep eye contact with his favorite treat, your dog will naturally drop his rear to the floor in a sitting position. When his rear touches the floor, reward him and compliment him on a job well done.

Step 4:

At this level, avoid using the phrase “sit.” Instead, repeat this activity until he can sit while looking at the treat in your palm. After a few days of practice, introduce the word “sit.”

Step 5:

Hold the goodie in your palm and say the word “sit.” If he is unable to comply by sitting down, gently push his coup down and repeat the instruction. Do not give him the treat until he can respond to the demand. Continue the training until your dog can sit without being bribed.

2- Stay:

Stay-german-shepherd-commandThis command will assist you in preventing your dog from pursuing your neighbor’s cats or squirrels.

Step 1:

Before you begin teaching this directive, make sure he knows it.

Step 2:

When you say “stay!” instruct him to stay in the “down” posture with his hand above his head.

Step 3:

Maintain eye contact when issuing this order during the period you want him to remain still. If he attempts to rise or raise his head, repeat the order. If he obeys, reward him with a treat and express your delight that he is obeying your order.

3- Down:

This command is useful for calming down your dog, especially if it is disturbed by a new sight or sound.

Step 1:

While your GSD is sitting, insert a goodie between your thumb and index finger. Bring your hand up towards his face so that he can see and smell his favorite food.

Step 2:

Now, slide the treat to the floor while preventing him from rising from his seated posture. As you keep him from getting up, use the term “down.”

Step 3:

Use the instruction “down” as well when he attempts to grab the treat while lying down.

4- Leave It:

Leave-It-german-shepherd-trainingStep 1:

Put a treat on the floor

Step 2:

When it tries to get it, place your hand over it with a firm voice saying “leave it”

Step 3:

Pick the treat up and put your arm away from the dog. Wait for a while and repeat the process.

Step 4:

Keep repeating the process until your dog gets the command right and then reward it with some treats.

5- Come:

Step 1:

Always try to teach it indoors. When your dog or puppy is playing with the toys call its name

Step 2:

When they turn towards you responding to their name show them their favorite treat and when they come praise them. Repeat this process and then gradually start practicing it outdoors.

6- No:

No-command-german-shepherdStep 1:

When saying no, use a stern expression and hard tone, but don’t shout or make crazy movements or your dog will grow afraid of you.

Step 2:

When your dog stares at you, give them a more appropriate action.

Step 3:

For example, if your dog is chewing on your costly shoes, tell them “No” and provide them with another more fascinating and acceptable chew toy when they look at you. Alternatively, have them come to you for a sweet reward while you put the shoe away.

7- Yes:

A marker word is any word or sound (such as a clicker) that is used to indicate when your German Shepherd acts correctly. The most prevalent marker words are yes and excellent. But first, you must educate your dog on the meaning of this word so that they comprehend. You must say the marker word (or click the clicker) promptly followed by a reward.

Repeat your term while rewarding them until your dog is enthused about it.

8- Give Paw:

Give-Paw-command-for-german-shepherdIt is one of the best commands for dogs. It helps your dog to socialize with people.

Step 1:

Simply with a firm voice ask your dog to give a paw and touch its paw gently as if you are indicating it.

Step 2:

When your dog gives its paw to you treat it with its favorite treat and repeat the process.

9- Rollover:

Rollover-command-for-german-shepherdWhen your dog is comfortable learning tricks then you’ll want to incorporate an adorable rollover into their routine. To begin the trick, you’ll tempt your German Shepherd with a sweet treat and move the reward to the side of its head while they’re lying down.

Your dog will gradually begin to bend over to get the reward. Training this technique can enhance your dog’s confidence and strengthen your relationship, so include it on your German Shepherd training checklist.

10- Fetch:

Fetch-command-for-german-shepherdNot all German Shepherds know how to retrieve a tossed toy or ball. So, teaching your German Shepherd to retrieve will teach them how to bring their toys to you for a game.

Furthermore, fetch is one of the best commands to teach a German shepherd to keep it healthy and happy.

The language you use to train your German Shepherd isn’t as important as consistency. Your German Shepherd, as one of the world’s most intelligent breeds, is always eager to learn alongside you.